
5 Things You Need to Stop Doing

5 Things You Need to Stop Doing


There are a few things that Mentally Tough people do very well all of the time.  Below you will find an abbreviated list that we all should read through on a weekly, if not daily basis.  I wrote this list down a couple years ago when I came across it. It really hit home with me.  I scribbled it in a notebook that I would use constantly as a daily reminder, but I packed it away when I moved and actually forgot all about it. It’s your lucky day because I just found it and wanted to spread the wealth.  This list can apply to every aspect of your life. Your relationships, your training, your work, you name it.  Lets get to it and start making some Healthy Habits together:


1. Don’t feel sorry for yourself.

This is number 1 for a reason. We are all human, and have all been in this bad place. Lets vow to take responsibility of our role and understand life isn’t always fair. Some people have better genetics, some people grew up with a silver spoon in their mouth.  None of that means that you are any less of a person. Stop those shitty feelings, and go be productive and attack this life!

2. Don’t give away your power.

That’s right, you have the power.  You are in control of your emotions and actions, no one else. The things you have the most control of in your life are your attitude, thoughts, and how you react to a situation. Those are the most powerful items in your arsenal for living a successful life. Stop wasting your energy on what isn’t within your control, and put that energy toward developing you. Don’t let anyone dictate what you can and can’t accomplish!

3. Don’t resent another’s success.

Success comes with hard work, and in all honesty some luck. Don’t be the person who is jealous of someone who just got a promotion or hit a new PR.  This goes back to number 1.  Everyone loves a party, but no one loves a pity party.  Be psyched for those around you that are doing well. Then get back to the drawing board, lay out a plan, follow the plan, work hard, fail, reassess, work hard again, and your chance will present itself too!

4. Don’t give up after the first failure.

Thomas Edison didn’t look at it as failures, but 10,ooo ways that wouldn’t work for figuring out the lightbulb.  I’ve watched a lot of people struggle with the Olympic lifts in my career on multiple occasions. They get frustrated, and just walk away and quit. If it’s something you truly are passionate about keep trying. Ask for help, don’t walk away, please don’t walk away.  These lifts are awesome!

 5. Don’t expect immediate results.

This happens a lot with fad diets, electric ab exercise machines, and fat loss pills. If these things actually worked they wouldn’t need the hyped up sales pitch to get you to buy it. Understand that real change takes time, follow the plan to the best of your abilities, and don’t be in a rush. The journey is what gets the results, not the other way around. Whether you are trying to lose a few pounds or add a fews pounds to your back squat, consistency is the key to success no matter the venture!


“Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.”

—Jim Rohn


Focus on the things that you can control in your life, such as your attitude, your work ethic, your passion, your drive, and your skills.  Let the other people worry about all the things you can’t control, because at the end of the day, you’re going to be to busy thriving that you won’t have the time to waste.


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